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03 - 03 - 2016

The official opening ceremony of DEI KOMA-The Children's Land arrived, and with it, they arrived our beloved Benefactors and Friends, we were also joined by the Local Authorithies, Neighbors and many more to be with us to celebrate Together.

The first foundation started in June 2014, and the last building was completed in February 2016.

Our Benefactors came form all over the world, and we shared with them some fantastic days of touring and visiting our community projects. We enjoyed playing football all together, an original dinner reception and a party were held after the match.

3rd March 2016, all it guided within a rigorous protocol, to welcome to our Benefactors, Local Authorothies leadered by the Provincial Governor of Siem Reap Dr. Khim Bunsong, other organizations,neighbors ... more than one thousend people!.Cutting the ribbon. Buddish monks prayers. Bless dancing. Speeches were conducted by Local Authorithies and TFC representatives. Certificates of recogntion and awards to our Benefactors. Prices to all the people assisting. Touring the facilities. Sing the Gold Book. We have to highlight that all these activities were successful and possible with the support of TFC employees. The especial participation of the children and youth living at Dei Koma, totally involved welcoming our honorable guest and taking care of the details. Thank you to Mrs. Sam Walker, Journalist and Photographer, she deserves we give the credits for the pictures shared in this page and others.

Thank you very Much to all the Benefactors who made it possible happen. Your Trust, Devotation, Enthusiasm and above all your LOVE. Our appreciation to:

CASPER Family (USA). Administrative Office.

FONS SOLER Family (Spain). School.

GRACE Family (USA). Conference Hall & Kitchen.

JUNTOS POR CAMBOYA (Spain). Purchase Land 38%, Female Home, Community Building, Sports Field 25% & Trees Planting 25%.

MACQUARIE GROUP FOUNDATION (Australia). Male Home, Exterior Pavement & Lighting, Security Cameras, Perimeter Fences, Laundry Buildings & Trees Planting 60%.

MICHAEL KRAMER (Australia). Purchase Land 50%, Fill Land, Perimeter Wall, Electricity & External Sewage Pipe.

PALTI Family (Australia). Sports Field 20%.

SPOTLIGHT (Australia). Sport Fields 55% & Inner Channeling Collecting Water.

TOGETHER FOR CAMBODIA (Cambodia). Many donations completed Purchase Land 5%, Trees Planting 15%. From Australia, New Zealand, Singapore & UK.

HARDY Family (Australia). Purchase Land 7%.

ROBERTA ROTH (USA). Water Pumps 6 units & Inner Electrical System.

SIGUIENDO TUS PASOS (Spain). Entrance Gates.

